5 Ways to Crush Seasonal Threats Naturally

Summer is here and every (non-oiling) person is miserable.  Here are some great ways to calm down the sinuses naturally without feeling hyper or having side effects:

  1. Diffuse lemon, lavender and peppermint. A diffuser uses vibration to put oil molecules into the air for aromatic use. When used aromatically, oils enter the respiratory system and blood stream within 10 seconds. This trio is known as the allergy trio because lemon kills germs, lavender soothes and peppermint opens airways and increases circulation. Diffusing helps the entire family at once!
  2. Use respiratory blend capsules.  Did you know that quality oils can be ingested? These capsules contain the same trio of lemon, lavender and peppermint but provide them in an easy capsule form.  I only trust DoTERRA for internal use because of their sourcing, strict quality control and independent testing. Only ingest oils that list “supplement facts” on the bottle.
  3. Avoid perfumes and dyes in the home. If essential oils can enter your blood stream in ten seconds, so can everything we use.  And that causes immune response and inflammation. It is amazing how many synthetic perfumes are in our lives from shampoo, deodorant, detergent, cleaning products and even foods. These fake fragrances can even be toxic when you add up the total exposure of these chemicals. I was having daily headaches before I eliminated many everyday products that had added scent.
  4. Use respiratory blend drops.  These are hard candies like a cough drops only they contain a blend of essential oils to open airways, sooth membranes and digestive pathways and even promote mental focus.
  5. Stop using humidifiers. Far from easing allergy symptoms, they can actually promote the breeding of dust mites which are a huge source of allergens! If you like in a dry climate you will find that the small amount of water used by a diffuser is a great compromise.

**Bonus strategy– add a drop of lemon, lavender and peppermint to a cotton ball and keep it in your bra or shirt pocket. This is a wonderful way to support clear breathing on the go, or when away from your diffuser.

PS.  If you are looking for individual help just use our contact form for some custom solutions! You don’t need to be miserable.