Adding Oils in Playdough

Giving oils to kiddos in play dough lifts their mood, cleans their hands of bacteria naturally and calms them with a fun sensory distraction.

Essential oils  come from plants. They are tiny, natural, fat-soluble molecules that destroy both bacteria and viruses.

When inhaled they affect our limbic brain which controls mood, memory, hormones and instincts. For example, the smell of gingerbread or grandpa’s cologne evokes involuntary feelings and memories.

We can use oils to calm anxiety, find peace, sharpen focus etc… pretty amazing!


  • 1C flour
  • 1C water
  • 2t cream of tartar
  • 1/3C salt

Cook over med heat until it thickens into dough consistency. Take off the heat, let it cool and knead in 10 drops of wild orange essential oil or any other of your favorite oil that is safe for topical use. ?